Key Staff: Mrs R Broomhall - Head of Sixth Form
Blessed William Howard's place in The Stafford Sixth Form Partnership enables our students to access a much wider range of courses and qualifications which may not all be available within our school.
We aim to accommodate our students on appropriate courses and to maintain the pastoral care and enrichment which we consider to be a strength of our school. Where students may wish to study subjects off-site our position within the Stafford Sixth Form Partnership facilitates this.
The aims of Blessed William Howard Catholic Sixth Form are to:
- Support the decision-making process in Year 11 as students make their plans for Post-16 education.
- Support the development of independent study skills during the transition from GCSE to A-Level where appropriate.
- Ensure effective links with external careers advisory services and encourage work experience Post-16.
- Support students when making job/course applications for higher education and preparation for interviews.
- Encourage students to become involved within the school community through a variety of enrichment activities.
- Promote spiritual development within the ethos of a Catholic Sixth Form in its academic, spiritual and pastoral roles.
- Provide a mentoring programme that allows students to set targets to help support their progression
- Encourage student participation in the running of the Sixth Form and their responsibility for their environment.
- Provide effective liaison with other Post-16 providers within the Stafford Sixth Form Partnership.
- Support the aims of the school by acting by the School Mission Statement and the Sixth Form Learning Agreement