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Our school has full uniform to the end of Year 11. At BWH we believe that a smart and distinctive uniform worn neatly and tidily helps to instil pride and a sense of loyalty to the school, as well as being both practical and economical. Only the school blazer, tie and PE kit (shorts and t-shirt) must be purchased via our uniform shop, all other items of uniform may be obtained at most high street stores.  The full range of uniform may be obtained from Crested Schoolwear (Stafford), and School's In Schoolwear (Stone).

 All uniform, bags and PE kit must be clearly identified with your child’s name.

Bottle green school blazer ready badged*

Black pleated KNEE length skirt, to be worn with black tights September to end of April, black ankle socks may be worn from May until the end of the Summer term, as long as they cover the full ankle and are not shoe liners/trainer socks.
Black, full length, tailored trousers (not flared, not black /skinny jeans, leggings or ‘skinny leg' fashion.  No trousers that are tight around the ankle) to be worn with black ankle socks (trainer socks/shoe liners/pop socks are not permitted)
White-collared shirt, worn tucked into trousers or skirt.
Clip-on green tie*  NB Existing students may continue to wear their CURRENT tie.  The new tie is only for new starters and will be phased in.

Optional BWH pullover with badge*
Black formal shoes - low heel – sensible style, no boots sandals, trainers or canvas shoes, no logos.

Bottle green school blazer ready badged*
Black trousers - plain, formal style not flared (not black jeans)
White-collared shirt, worn tucked into trousers.
Clip-on green tie* NB Existing students may continue to wear their CURRENT tie.  The new tie is only for new starters and will be phased in.
Optional BWH pullover with badge* 
Socks - black
Black formal shoes - sensible style, no boots, canvas shoes, trainers or trainer-shoes with any logos/branding

(* items only available from Crested Schoolwear in Stafford and / or School's In in Stone)

School tie - green with red stripes

P.E. Kits
Indoor kit                                                            Outdoor kit
White and green embroidered T-shirt                  As indoor kit
School black embroidered shorts                          Black socks 
Sports trainers (not casual)                                  Black embroidered Hoodie (optional) 
Suitable sports socks                                            Black leggings 
Black embroidered Hoodie (optional)                                               

Indoor kit                                                             Outdoor kit
White and green embroidered T-shirt                   Emerald green reversible rugby        School black embroidered shorts                           jersey (optional)                                Sports trainers  (not casual wear)                         Black embroidered Hoodie (optional)
Suitable sports socks                                            Football/Rugby boots (compulsory)
                                                                              Shin pads and gum shield (Football /                                                                                Rugby)


Hair - No dyed hair (unnatural colours) or shaven lines in hair.  Hair must not be cut shorter than a grade 3. 

Jewellery is restricted to a watch and simple stud earrings.  NO FACIAL PIERCINGS.

Make-up, false eye-lashes, nail varnish, and false nails are inappropriate and not permitted – any student wearing these items will be instructed to remove them.

All items of uniform should be recognised as UNIFORM items and not FASHION ITEMS. For example, designer shirts, skinny trousers and the like are not acceptable. Girls’ skirts must be no shorter than about 1 inch above the knee.

Parents are asked to ensure that their children wear suitable black shoes for school. (It is important that the soles of these shoes are such as will not damage wooden floors). Trainers are not suitable for ordinary school wear. Platform shoes and shoes with a high heel are not allowed because they are inconsistent with our uniform requirements and are dangerous from a health and safety point of view.                                                                              
 The school reserves the right to make the final judgement on all issues relating to uniform.