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Bursary information

16-19 Bursary Fund

Young people who need financial support to help them stay in education in the Sixth
Form can apply to their school for the 16-19 Bursary Fund.
Those in most need are eligible for a Vulnerable Bursary of £1200 a year.
The defined vulnerable groups are:
• Young people in care, including unaccompanied asylum-seeking children;
• Young care leavers;
• Young people getting Income Support or the equivalent Universal Credit (UC) in their own right;
• Young people getting both Disability Living Allowance (or the new Personal Independence Payments) and Employment Support Allowance (ESA) (or Universal Credit as a replacement for ESA) in their own right.
Other students may be eligible to apply for a Discretionary Bursary, which may be a regular half-termly payment or financial contributions towards transport, books and equipment.
In the first instance you should talk to your Head of Sixth for advice as to whether you are eligible to apply. They will look at your family’s financial circumstances and advise whether to apply.
If you are eligible you will have to supply evidence (evidence of benefits, P60, tax credit award notice or evidence of self-employment). In most cases they decide on the amount you could receive and when it is paid. Grants will be conditional on attendance, behaviour and effort.
If you want further details please look at:

Ask Mrs Broomhall, Head of Sixth Form,  for more information and application form. 
If you are currently studying with us and you think you may be eligible please apply.